Category Archives: Skywatch Friday

SWF 4-3 The end of the day


Skywatch is a weekly meme dedicated to viewing skies around the world. To visit other SkyWatch Friday blogs, click here.

The fishing was crappy.

The weather was hot.

One kid had lost his shoe overboard.

The other kid lost her rig and about 20 metres of line under the jetty.

Then there was sunset. The light at the end of the tunnel.


SWF3-51 The Lunar Eclipse


Skywatch is a weekly meme dedicated to viewing skies around the world. To visit other SkyWatch Friday blogs, click here.

A few weeks ago, on a night when the mercury was rapidly heading to the ice forming numbers, we were blessed with a partial lunar eclipse. We are a bit too south to see the full effect, but it was still pretty cool. By the time the full moon had reduced itself to a sliver, there wasn’t enough light for my little point and shoot camera, so I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t get that. The eclipse lasted for about an hour, and I have to admit to being thankful when it was over – I was starting to lose feeling in my fingers.  But I am thankful for these shots. None of them have been re-touched at all, They are exactly how they came off my camera. (The first has been cropped).





